Arquà Petrarca

Rosarum Domus is located at a few minutes of walking distance from the center of Arquà Petrarca, a village whose identity is defined by the figure of the great Poet. The house of Petrarch was restored in the twenties and is in good condition. Inside, one can admire a ceiling from the 14th-century, a dining room and a fireplace from the 16th-century, and the study of the poet in which the chair and the library are original. The village houses a millennial parish church with medieval frescoes. Through the Via Roma, one reaches a small square where the 12th-century Loggia dei Vicari can be seen. The Romanesque-Gothic Venetian houses and the houses from the 16th-century are of particular historic and artistic interest
Do not miss the famous festa delle giuggiole, the New Olive Oil festival and the outdoor antique market